Friday, October 17, 2014

How to Become a Better Basketball Shooter | Tips

These basketball shooting tips are a great way for players, parents, and coaches to learn and understand the proper mechanics and techniques needed to be a great shooter. Every basketball player loves to shoot the ball! The most practiced skill in the game is shooting. Coaches spend a good deal of their practice time on shooting drills to improve their players' skill level. After all, if you can't shoot, you can't score!

Whether a player is shooting a jump shot, lay-up, or free throw - there are certain techniques they must use to be successful. The basketball shooting tips below will give players, parents and coaches a better understanding of what these techniques are!

1.       Remember BEEF (Balance, Eye, Elbow, Follow-through) when shooting the basketball and "put your hand in the cookie jar" to help you watch your follow-through to increase accuracy. Get into the habit of always using these proper shooting techniques -- especially in practices to make it "automatic" in a game. If proper techniques are not practiced, then bad habits are formed that are often difficult to correct. If you don't have a practiced shooting technique - you need to practice one!
2.       Be relaxed and concentrate on the basket. Focus on the back of the rim as you make a jump shot or shoot from the free throw line. When shooting lay-ups and bank shots, focus on the part of the backboard where you will bank the ball.
3.       Know when you have a good shot - and then take it. Find the right balance between shooting too often and not shooting enough. As you develop confidence in your shot, you will also develop the ability to know/feel when you have a good shot to take.

4.       Keep an even-keel; be in proper balance, when shooting the basketball. Do not be leaping/careening to one side or the other. Feeling a proper balance (both front-to-back and side-to-side) is critical on all shots, and leads to consistency.

5.       Follow through on every shot you take. Hold your follow through as this is one thing that will show you why you made or missed the shot.

6.       Jump naturally. Avoid forcing your jump - it should be nice and easy. You should jump straight up in the air smoothly and release the shot at the top of your jump, letting the force easily slide off your fingers at the same time.
             "Up, Hang, Shoot" is an easy way to remember this.

7.       Make sure you have an arc on every shot you take. The height of the arc will vary from player to player. Some players shoot with a high arc, while others have a lower arced shot. As long as you are using proper shooting techniques, consistently and the shots are going in, then the arc is fine.

8.       Be relaxed when shooting free throws. Concentrate on the basket, and have your knees bent slightly. Keep your routines the same as it normally would be. This helps you to be able to focus on the task at hand. Avoid excessive and unnecessary movement. Only use the motion needed to take and make the shot.

9.       Be relaxed when shooting free throws. Concentrate on the basket, and have your knees bent slightly. Keep your routines the same as it normally would be. This helps you to be able to focus on the task at hand. Avoid excessive and unnecessary movement. Only use the motion needed to take and make the shot.

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